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Support Blossoms in Haiti

Cheryl Bowie, CTA

Updated: May 27, 2022

2013 Mission Trip in Haiti

I realize asking for donations for an organization that's not connected to the current pandemic is a bold move, but the choice is yours. It’s a request to donate some money to an organization in Port-au-Prince, Haiti that is providing a place for Haitians to use their creative skills to support their families. I’m asking for your support because I have experience with the 2 organizations that are collaborating. My first visit to Haiti was for a mission trip to support Heartline Ministries in 2013, they have been serving in Haiti for over 20 years. During my last visit to Haiti, I was introduced to Papillon because I wanted to explore some shopping options. I had an opportunity to tour their workshop where they make jewelry, print tee-shirts, ceramic items, and other creations for their shop and website. They even had a nursery on-site so parents could bring their little ones to work. After the tour, I went across the street to their shop and purchased some things. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to eat at their restaurant.

Well, political tensions and demonstrations in Haiti have resulted in fewer mission trips and tourist going to the country. This has impacted Papillon’s bottom line causing them not to pay the rent on their facilities. They were considering shutting down their enterprise, but Heartline Ministries stepped-in and offered them space on the land they own, at a discounted rental rate. This happens to be the site where we did some work during our mission trip. So, I’ve pledged to raise $500 to support this transition to their new home. Would you donate what you can to help? Your donation is tax deductible. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and participating!


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